Essential Oils in Pregnancy, Birth & The Postpartum

The Pregnancy Podcast – Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum (And Their Safety)

Why this podcast?
I don’t think it’s a secret at this point that this is one of my go-to podcasts. It’s fun, informative, evidenced-based and with episodes of thirty minutes or less covering pretty much anything you can think of relating to pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum, this is definitely not the last time you’ll see it featured.

How does it look?
Unless this is your first visit to this blog you will have probably read about the Pregnancy Podcast multiple times. In case you haven’t, here is a short, and I mean super short breakdown.

Your Fourth Trimester: Five Universal Truths

The Expectful Podcast – The Five Universal Truths Of Your Fourth Trimester

 Why this podcast?
This one is a fairly recent discovery for me but I really like it. I featured the episode How To Love Your Birth  – However It Looks back in January and, whilst listening to episodes in the meantime, I found one in particular that I really wanted to share.

As well as airing a fantastic podcast, Expectful also offers guided meditations for fertility, pregnancy and motherhood. Whilst listening to various pregnancy and birth podcasts I have heard women refer again and again to these meditations so there must be something to them!

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