If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

 Healthy Births, Happy Babies: Episode 60 – Pregnancy is NOT a Disease

So here’s the thing. A couple of month’s ago, when I decided to start this blog, I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy it. I mean, sure, if I had unlimited time to sit and drink my coffee and listen and write, then yes. But I don’t. I have three small children. I’m finishing up my doula certification, working on getting the business side up and running.
Speaking of running, I find it super important for both my body and my brain to fit that into my week as well.

Buying time at the hospital

The Cord: Episode 13 – Buying more time at your hospital birth

Why this podcast?
The Cord podcast is made up of interviews with prenatal, birth, postnatal and parenting experts.

It covers the areas you would expect (pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and bonding) but also covers areas like trauma, healing, spirituality and wellness. The host, Amy Neuhedel, is a doula, childbirth educator and mom coach. She is also my friend and mentor and just generally a very cool person.

Something I really like about this podcast is that there are a few episodes which are simply Amy talking to you about a specific area and giving you some helpful hints. The episode I am going to write about is just such an episode.

Get me an epidural!!!!!!!!!!! Or……….not??????

The Pregnancy Podcast: Episode 38 – Epidural

Why this podcast?
I decided to feature The Pregnancy Podcast early on because it was one of the first podcasts I listened to and, more importantly, because I think it is amazing!
The host, Vanessa Merten, has a totally relaxed vibe going on with a very easy to listen to voice. At the same time, the woman knows her stuff!

I love how she gives you an overview of the topic and then talks about the risks and benefits associated with it.

The absolute best thing for me, as a doula, is that Vanessa really does her research. You can be sure that what you are getting is evidence-based information and that, in a world full of internet opinion and blah blah, is gold!

For every woman

The Birth Hour: Episode 86 – Plus Size Pregnancy & Birth Story

Why this podcast?
This is, quite simply, a birth story podcast and who doesn’t love a birth story?
The Birth Hour is a safe haven where women can share both their stories and their emotions. The birth stories come in all shapes and sizes and from all over the world. As the host, Bryn Huntpalmer, says:

’’Each episode is raw, honest, and beautiful even when the outcome of the birth may not have been what the mother had planned.’’

Podcast much? A window into the world of birth podcasts

Podcasts are amazing!!! There, I’ve said it, my secret’s out, I’m a huge podcast fan.

As someone who is not especially technically savvy and is only recently dipping her toes into social media (other than facebook, I mean of course I’m on facebook..) I am sooo happy to have discovered podcasts. They are such a great way to access information and import it directly into your brain. Ok, I’m exaggerating slightly but they are a fantastic way to get hold of that info you have been meaning to for a while but just haven’t found the time for yet.

Categorised as General
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